1001DVDs (Paysite)
1001dvds is an hardcore porn site like no other. You can find all sorts of hardcore porn videos like anal, rough sex and mainly hardcore straight porn. Why don’t you sit and enjoy some new videos that are sure to put a bulge in your pants?
Design and Features
This website’s layout and thumbnails are built in such a way that you can easily navigate through it and choose some of the porn that has piqued your attention. Nice big thumbnails give you a nice hint of what is going on in the video, with a video duration displayed, as well as the video rating. The visuals on this site are appealing up to an extent and they certainly won’t bug you while viewing the video you selected. A clean, uncluttered design is something that will certainly act as a magnet for those unfamiliar with the site.
With a mix of black and red color will give you somewhat of a more classical approach but it will appeal to those looking for some straight up hardcore porn. Navigation is also simple, you list through the site in a manual fashion, or using some search options to find a specific video you like. The website is well optimized for use on any mobile device.
Girls and Videos
The girls on this site are most certainly to get you a hard on that by the looks of it won’t last pretty long. Porn here is uncompromising, pure, hardcore fucking. The female cast is varied consisting of brunettes, blondes, with big boobs, round asses, anything. These girls are not picky when it comes to scenes, you can see them indulging into vaginal and also anal sex. As for the place where the videos are shot, usually, the scenes are happening inside, sometimes you have some outdoors scenes. Rough sex is the watchword of this site so you most certainly won’t get bored.
Almost all of the girls you can see on this site look like amateurs or at least look like they don’t get smashed by cock daily, which is good if you’re into it. The genre or the niche of this site should actually be amateur hardcore porn and should be praised by any ardent lover. Most of the videos that you can find on this site are around 20 minutes of pure hardcore action, some backstory is involved but it is certainly nothing heavy. Filming that is done in the videos seems to be held up to a certain standard that is maintained throughout the videos.
Sets in which the action is happening are usually flats, decently decorated. Filming is most certainly done with a good crew and a plus is that they won’t interfere or partake in the video so you will not even notice the amount of effort went into the videos. The video quality is in HD and you can watch in a browser using Flash player, or download in MP4 and WMV format.
1001dvds is a place for those that enjoy all the rough and hardcore sex the internet has to offer. It certainly will be your fill for a period of time so you won’t get left feeling dry on this site. Memberships are classic and the quality is really good, so it is recommended to visit.