AllHotLesbians (Paysite)
The AllHotLesbians is a site where you can find only hardcore girl on girl porn videos, featuring stunning models and offering a large collection of movies in High-Definitions. The videos here are usually feature one pair of chicks, who are doing some really nasty things and who are fucking until they cum. The introduction of the site leaves a lot of questions opened. It promises you HD movies, amazing girls and regular updates, also some extra content and network access are claimed to be granted to you. The AllHotLesbians is online since 2003, though the first upload is dated to 2004. One thing is certain, that this site is an old one, and it’s providing the horny audience with steamy lesbian porn, for more than a decade now. The update schedule seems to be very busy: there are daily picture set updates, and the videos are coming in every 2-3 days. The site keeps this promise, there is usually something new added in a good pace. The network access is one of the best feats of this site. There are ten sites included in your membership; each covers different niches, and each and every one of them has something unique to offer you. Three out of this bunch of sites are providing you non-traditional porn, these sites are: EroticAnime, MangaErotica and 3DGirlfriend. The first two are offering you erotic cartoons that are best to be considered as hentai, while the third is a bit different since it offers 3D porn, where there are no taboos. The other sites are all giving you access to real hardcore porn with real people in them, and you will find here flashing tits and up-skirt videos, and also a lot other fantasies and porn niches are covered. The included sites may change without notice, so always pay attention, since the AllHotLesbians is run by a company that has more than 150 sites. The exclusivity of the videos is an aspect that requires some further investigation, because the sex and the girls are looking too good to be working for some lower studio, and in fact, some of them are recognized pornstars. The best is to assume that the videos are not exclusive, and the majority of the collection is available on the site of the studio that actually made the scene. Now, you shouldn’t leave already, because the videos are coming from all around, and if you are here for lesbian porn this site has the ultimate collection. Just consider this: why join multiple studio sites when you can get all lesbian videos for the price of one site?
Design & Features
At last, there is a lesbian site that uses other colors, not just pink. Though there is a lot of pink on the site, the background is a light blue, which is a nice choice of color. The layout of the tour page is good, since there are no menus, you can only find the videos’ list. Each piece of listing hides a trailer so you can enjoy several of those too, and thus you can gather the necessary information that should be sufficient to convince you to join the site. When you login, you will find yourself at a very advanced and pretty well-organized site. The main is on the top of the page, under the search engine (offering basic scanning options). From this menu, you can reach the videos, the photo sets and the DVD feeds too, just as some of the promotional offers to other sites. The left side of the page features some options to sort the scenes, including date-based sorting, or categories tags. You can watch the videos in your browser by accessing the Flash-video stream that offers an SD resolution, but still has an enjoyable playback quality. All movies are available for download, and you can save them mostly in MP4, but there may be some other file formats too. The newest additions to the site are offering you HD options too, and at least half of the actual collection is in at least 720p. The site has a more regular photo set update schedule, and thanks to that, the number of galleries overwhelms the videos’. There are over 1500 sets on AllHotLesbians, and each of them consist of about a hundred pictures. You can view these files online, or save in zip files. The AllHotLesbians also has a nicely working mobile site.
Girls & Videos
The videos on the AllHotLesbians are not amateur footages and they are not random encounters. Everything that happens in them is planned, and most of the videos are scripted. What you can see in there is softcore and hardcore too, since there are not too big dildos in use, though some of the videos seem to features some fisting, which is usually categorized as a heavy hardcore niche, along with anal sex. All women who make sweet love with another woman in the videos are pornstars. These chicks are not just eager amateurs, every move and all moans show full-scale professionalism. Though they are pros, that doesn’t necessary mean that they are perfect or they have all-fake bodies. If you give the site a try, you will see for yourself that some of them are amazingly cute naturals, and some of them even have freckled faces, which seems to be really hot when it’s paired with so awesome body. Among the models you can see mostly Caucasians, but some Asian, Latina and Black cuties also appear in the videos.

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