PrivateSexTapes (Paysite)
What’s up guys? Let me tell you about this wonderful site. This site is just so lit that you’re not going to want to look for other sites once you get into it. Let me just tell you, this site is a porn site. You get to see all of those wonderful sucking and fucking that happens in porn sites out there! You get to see all those hot and cute girls doing just that to their sex partners! This site is called PrivateSexTapes!
It is in here that you can find some of the finest amateur couples out there doing their deed and just putting it up in the internet for everyone else to enjoy their hangout! You get to see all of the good stuff that happens usually in private, only here at the site where willing couples truly post their love making for everyone else to witness their love for each other! Check it all out at PrivateSexTapes, one of the porn sites from the porn network CashForSexTape, a newcomer to the scene but already making waves!
Design and Features
For a newcomer network, their sites are pretty packed with stuff yet still doesn’t give up the aesthetic quality of simple organization. For one, it’s evident with the site’s front page that the site values these aesthetics. You get a home page that basically just chucks in all the right stuff, you know, just the right porn at the right moment. In the home page we get something like a preview of the site, where we can see some videos, particularly the top 4 videos as well as the most recent videos that were added to the site. You can see here that all the areas where we can see these videos are separated and neatly arranged, with all of the photos out there as well as the link to the videos themselves and a brief description of what the videos are all about.
You also see, further down the line in the home page, that down below there are 8 couples listed. Those are the ones who just recently sent their videos. Of course, below all those areas where you can see the porn videos, is the option to watch all of their videos. There are also tabs that can help you with the navigation within the site itself. You can see a tab where you can click and there you get to see all the sex tapes that have been submitted. Yes, this site is actually promoting sex and would like people to submit to them some of the hottest videos out there.
You can see them actually paying people in order to get just the best porn videos. Don’t get me wrong, anyone can pass out a submission of their porn videos! You don’t need to be shy! Back on track, you can also sort out the sex tapes and arrange them either by the date that they were added, or by the ones that people like the most or by top rated. You can also see here that the design for showing the areas where the porn videos are found are the same as on the home page. There’s also this tab where you can see all the couples that have submitted their sex tapes. They can also be sorted out whether they were added just recently or the ones who have the top rated videos in the site.
Of course, site administrators and owners wouldn’t be crazy enough to pay some money in order to get some porn videos and then not let this become a pay site. That’s why CashForSexTape made this site a pay site. The amount of money that you pay becomes rather forgettable, as the site itself is simply full of wonderful stuff. Also, you have the right to know that the network also lets you access around 10 sites and more when you just become a member to one of the sites that they own! They let you see all the videos of one site, and so much more! In fact, you can see which sites the network holds simply thanks to the sliding film below the tabs in every page. It shows you which other sites the network has to offer to you.
Girls and Videos
A unique thing in this site is that it doesn’t only feature girls in the videos. The videos instead place both the girl and her partner in the cam, making it a couple video. The couple then do all of the things that are usually intended for them to do during a sex video: the sucking, the fucking, and all the other-ings that you want to have when you’re doing the sexual pleasures. And of course, all of these things are done by amateurs. Strictly no porn stars in here, all of these couples are amateurs.
Another thing to note about them is that these guys and gals come from different countries, so they just do their thing right about here. They just do some of the hottest things out there, and they do it while enjoying themselves, notwithstanding the location of where the banging happened. My personal favorite couple in there is also the favorite for many others. It’s the top couple Katya and Vlad. These two just make the perfect sex couple. Their interests just coincide and they just have the most fun that they have ever had.
Vlad likes doing the girl in the rear while Katya likes doggie style. They’re just perfect for each other, and that fun coupled with the couple’s good looks, especially Katya who’s just the most perfect girl out there when it comes to looks and performance, then you get a sex tape like no one ever made before, not even the porn stars! With regards to the videos, when you become a member you can now stream the FLV videos in HD! The cams the amateurs use may not be the best, but the site still provides us with the best HD videos out there!
Wonderful and exciting site, I must say, for all those who are into amateur porn and those who love good porn in general! A bit of payment won’t hurt for all the wonderful things PrivateSexTape and CashForSexTape will give out to you in return!
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