Jeff’s Models (Paysite)
The Jeff’s Models is a top premium porn site that will satisfy the needs and fantasies of those who like when a girl is big and fat, with large body, huge breasts and big ass. The models of this Jeff are all big beautiful women, and if you are one the frowning people, who don’t believe that these kinds of chicks don’t exist, then you should check out this site. The sex in the videos is exciting, and the girls look really good, when they are turned on. The site is online since 2014, and the fact is, that it’s hardly a year old at the time of this review. The first scene was uploaded sometimes in the August of 2014, and from that moment, there were regular updates and the collection grows consistently. There are multiple updates each week, and according to the owner and to the users’ experience a new scene and picture set is added three times a week, so there is a constant growth in the video collection. All videos on this site are exclusive, and the claims of the site seem to be true, though most of the content is also available on DVD, so there is a chance that you may saw them before, but the majority of the videos are new. When you start browsing the site, you will notice that there are no bonus sites and other extras included. The main reason behind it is that the site is new, and it isn’t part of any network, though there is a new site from the same company, so it’s possible that there will be some changes in the aspect of extras and stuff. Usually there are people who are looking for more and more content to watch, but since the BBW is not a too common niche, the JeffsModels will prove to be a very good choice, though there aren’t other kinds of scenes here, with the regular and updates you won’t experience any dull moments.
Design & Features
The tour page of the Jeff’s Models is very simple; some may find it too simple. There aren’t any menus, only a main heading with a montage of some nice BBWs, and the login and join buttons are also featured here. Under this heading, the videos of the site are listed: there is one big thumbnail, and six in a lower resolution (308×171). Just look at the pictures and you can see that the site isn’t fooling around when it comes to quality, and it’s not just true for the picture quality, but for the models too. The design of the site is easy and soothing, and the white background is relaxing, and you won’t get a feeling that you are doing something bad or weird if you are looking around on this page. In the members’ zone you will meet with the same simplicity. There is a keyword based, very basic search engine that can help you narrow the list of videos, but since there isn’t that much videos here, you won’t really find it necessary, and you won’t miss an advanced engine. Also, there isn’t a categories tag, the only thing that can help you with sorting the scenes it to go to the models’ index and choose a girl you find sympathetic, then on her profile page you can find all her videos listed. The Jeff’s Models offers you unlimited access to the videos. This means that you can watch them online, or save them for your own BBW porn collection. Viewing the scenes online is a good choice if you are among those guys who don’t like to wait. The Flash-video stream is stable, and it’s very fast. The embedded player is responsive, there isn’t much buffering when you open the stream, and the playback is smooth, the quality of the picture is excellent. The download options aren’t varied, there are only MP4 files available, and the only choice you can make is about the quality, because you can save the flicks in SD (480p) and usually in two HD settings: either in 720p or 1080p. The site offers picture galleries for all videos that are uploaded to the site. These pictures are high-resolution photos and screen captions, and each gallery has circa 500 files included. Luckily there are zip downloads, so you can save the sets and view them in any way you want.
Girls & Videos
All women in the videos of the Jeff’s Models are big and beautiful. There are mostly Caucasians here, and if you like if a chick is not just big, but a bit more mature than the others, you will be totally satisfied with the models here. Only this Jeff knows where he gets the girls, but as you can see, they are not just fat; they are indeed big beautiful women, with juicy, wet pussy, that might prove to be a very good feeling to fill. The BBW is a kind of fetish in the porn industry, and it’s also considered a bit kinkier than other niches, and if you think about it, it’s just right, since today’s woman ideal is very different. The sex in the videos is varied, and though some may think that these girls can only do it doggy-style, they are capable of doing a lot of positions. There are also many niches covered, since the girls do lesbian sex, there are threesomes and gangbang scenes too, and lot of the videos have group sex with multiple chicks and guys. The Jeff’s Models offers you more than 200 videos, and by the time you may read this review, it might be much more due to the regular updates.
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- deal is: Trial N/A | Month $19.99 | Year $119.40
- deal is: Trial N/A | Month $19.99 | Year $119.40
- deal is: Trial N/A | Month $19.99 | Year $119.40