
In order to understand this site, you need to understand just how few black girls there are in porn these days. Every site in the world is going to give you white girls, and there are plenty of sites out there that give you Latinas and Asians, but there are not nearly as many sites that give you black porn.

Out of the few sites that actually do give you black porn, most of these sites end up focusing on the men. Black men have some really big dicks which means that porn sites are crazy about them, so when you are paying money for black male porn you are not making a good decision at all. If you want black girls in your porn, you are going to have a very difficult time of it indeed. Even sites that do have this kind of porn are not going to give you high-quality porn, and they are going to be far too expensive for you to even consider subscribing anyway.

Hence, BlackJelly is really going to seem like a fantasy come true for you. You might end up thinking that this site is all in your dreams when you hear all about it. This site focuses on black butts, which everyone knows are the best asses that you can possibly imagine. As a result, you are going to have some amazing jerk off sessions while you are on this site. Additionally, the site has a highly varied library of porn that will give you something new each time. But the thing that is really going to make you want to subscribe to this site is the fact that it is so affordable.

This site offers an amazing experience so if it tries to charge a lot of money that would be extremely understandable. However, this site does not do that at all. Instead of charging lots of money, it has a very low monthly subscription rate and to top it all off gives you the chance to get some major discounts as well!

My favourite pay porn site for sexy ebony beauties.

Design and Features

Design matters a lot, because it can have a serious impact on the video watching experience. If you are familiar with porn sites you are going to know that most of them choose some really loud colors that brightly display everything that this site has to offer. BlackJelly is no different at all. However, if you pay attention to the colors that have been used on this site you are going to be able to notice a crucial difference.

This difference is that the colors do not seem annoying at all. They are bright and bold but they are not at all the sort of colors that would make you feel like your head is about to explode. This is because the brightness of the pinks and purples that are arrayed across this site has been used intelligently. It has been used in a manner that makes your porn watching experience better, instead of being used to keep your attention on the site. Hence, when you are watching the amazing porn videos that this site has to offer you are going to realize that pretty much everything here only makes your experience more enjoyable. The colors don’t distract you at all, they only excited you which ends up making your porn watching experience the absolute best that it could possibly be.

Girls and Videos

When you watch a porn video you want the girls in these videos to be the sexiest they can possibly be. You want these girls to be able to find something new and interesting to do in the videos, but unfortunately in most porn videos you are not able to get this kind of experience. Instead of giving you variety, most porn sites try to cut costs by having as few girls on staff as possible. You will probably end up getting bored of these sites very quickly indeed but this is not going to be the case at all with BlackJelly. On this site you are going to find a highly varied library of videos, each with a different girl in it.

When you use this site, you are going to find so many videos that you might even have difficult choosing for a while, since all of them look so good. The girls are amazing here, with some incredible booties, and this site does a good job at focusing on their butts in pretty much every single video that is available on this site. Additionally, each video features something new and different. This is accomplished by allowing the girls to do something that they are interested in rather than pushing them to do the sort of things that the site feels people would like.

The performances end up being a lot more genuine as a result, which makes the porn that you watch on this site some of the best that you would ever be able to find on the internet. All in all, the videos here give you something that is truly going to make you want to come back again and again, and that is something that a lot of porn sites simply aren’t able to provide you with.


The quality of this site makes it deserve a lot more money than it asks for, but the creators of this site are clearly not out to make a big buck. They are trying to provide some great porn in a world where that is very hard to come by. You are going to love subscribing to this site, so much so that you are never going to want to unsubscribe. If you are thinking about it, go and check the site out for yourself, and subscribe before you miss out.

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